Executive Summary
The Internet of Things (IoT) generally refers to a network of smart devices that can continuously sense or interact with their environment. These devices are able to communicate and respond to information that they gather, enabling the system to facilitate activities, streamline processes, and inform decision-making. IoT products have become more popular and visible in today’s society, in the form of applications such as consumer smart home electronics, transportation systems, or warehouse automation. Their usage will only continue to grow; 500 billion devices are expected to be connected to the Internet by 2030, with each device collecting data, interacting with the environment, and communicating over a network. This foreseeable outcome should encourage developers and users alike to pursue better awareness of and preparedness for the potential ways in which the public interest could be threatened. Important questions about accountability and transparency that address security and privacy issues must be included in policy conversations. This report offers a brief overview of the technology and its impact on public purpose.
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Nathaniel Kim, Insup Lee, Javier Zazo. Ed. Bogdan Belei. “Technology Factsheet Series: Internet of Things” Paper, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, June 2019.