U.S. Policy Toward Iranian Nuclear Development
A Task Force sponsored by the National Security Initiative, a program of the Bipartisan Policy Center, released a ground-breaking report identifying the regional and global threats posed by a nuclear weapons-capable Iran and recommending a new, robust and comprehensive strategy designed to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability.
The report is the product of a high-level bipartisan Task Force led by former Senators Daniel Coats and Charles Robb, and including Ambassador Dennis Ross, Dr. Ashton B. Carter, and Steve Rademaker, three retired four-star generals and admirals, and other experts in nuclear proliferation and energy markets. The report offers a blueprint for establishing an effective U.S. strategy toward Iran’s nuclear development and also offers a comprehensive source of information for policymakers, the public and the next President.
Full text of the report is available at Meeting the Challenge: U.S. Policy Toward Iranian Nuclear Development.
For more information, please see The Bipartisan Policy Center.
Carter, Ash, Ambassador Daniel Coats, Charles Robb, Admiral (ret.) Gregory G. Johnson, General (ret.) Ronald Keys, Dr. Edward Morse, Steve Rademaker, Dennis Ross, Henry Sokolski, General (ret.) Chuck Wald and Ken Weinstein. “Meeting the Challenge: U.S. Policy Toward Iranian Nuclear Development.” September 19, 2008