
Hot Off the Presses: Spring 2020

Coups and Revolutions: Mass Mobilization, the Egyptian Military, and the United States from Mubarak to Sisi

By Amy Austin Holmes, Kuwait Foundation Visiting Scholar, Middle East Initiative

Oxford University Press (Sept. 2019)

In 2011, Egypt witnessed more protests than any other country in the world. Counter to the received narrative, Amy Austin Holmes argues that the ousting of Mubarak in 2011 did not represent the culmination of a revolution or the beginning of a transition period, but rather the beginning of a revolutionary process that would unfold in three waves, followed by two waves of counterrevolution. This book offers the first analysis of both the revolution and counterrevolution in Egypt from January 2011 until June 2018.

“ empirically rich book on the Egyptian revolutionary uprising of 2011 and its after-math.... Holmes offers a novel and provocative idea for comprehending the ouster of Mohamed Morsi: a coup from below.”Ellis Goldberg, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington


The Struggle for Power: U.S.-China Relations in the 21st Century

Foreword by Joseph S. Nye, Distinguished Service Professor, and Condoleezza Rice.

Preface by Nicholas Burns, Goodman Family Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Relation.

Chapters by Graham Allison, Kurt Campbell, Joseph S. Nye, and David E. Sanger.

Edited by Leah Bitounis and Jonathon Price.

Aspen Institute (Jan. 2020)

The Struggle for Power: U.S.-China Relations in the 21st Century brings together preeminent experts to explore how to compete effectively with the military and technological rise of China and how to engage U.S. allies amidst this great-power rivalry. The book features essays commissioned for the 2019 Aspen Strategy Group Summer Workshop, a nonpartisan meeting of senior national security professionals, China experts, journalists, academics, and private sector leaders. This volume offers a broad range of proposals for the United States to adapt and respond to China’s rapid ascent to global power.


Do Morals Matter? Presidents and Foreign Policy from FDR to Trump

By Joseph S. Nye, Distinguished Service Professor

Oxford University Press (Jan. 2020)

In Do Morals Matter?, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., one of the world’s leading scholars of international relations, provides a concise yet penetrating analysis of the role of ethics in U.S. foreign policy during the American era after 1945. Nye works through each presidency from FDR to Trump and scores their foreign policy on three ethical dimensions of their intentions, the means they used, and the consequences of their decisions.

“From the doyen of U.S. foreign policy thinkers, a powerful warning against domestic populist politics, which not only narrow our moral vision but defeat U.S. purposes around the world.” O.A. Westad, Yale University

Recommended citation

"Hot Off the Presses." Belfer Center Newsletter, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. (Spring 2020).