Leading up to and during the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit, Belfer Center experts released reports, published commentary, and provided insight and analysis into global nuclear security. In advance of the Summit, the Project on Managing the Atom set the stage for discussion with the report Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: Continuous Improvement or Dangerous Decline?
See the in-progress compilation of expert analysis and commentary below.
- Preventing Nuclear Terrorism: Continuous Improvement or Dangerous Decline? / Matthew Bunn, William Tobey, Martin Malin, Nickolas Roth
- What Price Nuclear Governance? Funding the International Atomic Energy Agency / Trevor Findlay
- China’s Nuclear Security: Progress, Challenges, and Next Steps / Hui Zhang
- Could There Be a Terrorist Fukushima? / Graham Allison & William H. Tobey (New York Times)
- Will the Nuclear Security Summit Help Stop Terrorists from Getting the Bomb? / Matthew Bunn, William Tobey, Martin Malin, Nickolas Roth (The National Interest)
- Two Reasons to Restore American Nuclear Leadership / Daniel Poneman (Medium)
- Belgium Highlights the Nuclear Terrorism Threat and Security Measures to Stop it / Matthew Bunn (The World Post)
- The All-Too-Human Reason Nuclear Material Isn’t Secure Enough / William Tobey (Defense One)
- How China needs to improve its legal framework on nuclear security / Hui Zhang (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)
- It’s Time for China to Turn Nuclear-Security Pledges into Reality / Hui Zhang (Defense One)
- Nuclear security: Continuous improvement or dangerous decline? / Matthew Bunn, Martin B. Malin, Nickolas Roth, William Tobey (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)
- The 2016 Nuclear Security Summit: What to Look For / Gary Samore (Asia Society briefing)
- Towards Deeper U.S.-China Nuclear Security Cooperation / Hui Zhang (Huffington Post)
Multimedia - Interviews and Video
- Nuclear Security Summit 2016 & The Pathway to Nuclear Security / Matthew Bunn (Belfer Center video)
- Summit explores how to keep nuclear material away from terrorists / Matthew Bunn (PBS NewsHour)
- At Nuclear Summit, Many Leaders But No Breakthroughs / Matthew Bunn (NPR)
- Surveillance Video Suggests ISIS is Interested in Building a Dirty Bomb / Matthew Bunn (NPR Morning Edition)
- Obama Opens Final Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C. / Matthew Bunn (NPR All Things Considered)
- As Leaders Gather for Nuclear Summit, a Look Back at Progress and Pitfalls / Matthew Bunn (NPR All Things Considered)
- Obama: Vast Parts of the World Off-Limits for Nukes / Matthew Bunn (CNN)
- William Tobey on Nuclear Safety / William Tobey (CCTV)
- Is the risk of nuclear terror on the rise? / Matthew Bunn (BBC The World)
- How Worried Should We Be About ‘Nuclear Terrorism’? /Nickolas Roth (AlJazeera)
- Obama: Vast parts of the world off-limits for nukes / (Matthew Bunn) (KCCI)
- ISIS reportedly hijacks university's chem lab for explosive experiments / Matthew Bunn (Fox News)
- Graham Allison on China, North Korea, and the Nuclear Summit / Graham Allison (SinoVision)
- Six Ways to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism / Matthew Bunn (Belfer Center video)
Print Interviews
- As Nuclear Security Summit Begins Materials Remain Vulnerable to Theft / Matthew Bunn (New York Times)
- Belgium fears nuclear plants are vulnerable / Matthew Bunn (New York Times)
- Brussels attacks stoke fears about security of Belgian nuclear facilities / Matthew Bunn (Washington Post)
- Obama said nuclear nonproliferation was a top priority. How did he do? / Report, Matthew Bunn, William H. Tobey (Washington Post)
- Summit underscores Obama's mixed results on nuclear security / William Tobey (Los Angeles Times)
- Brussells attacks renew concerns over global nuclear safety / Matthew Bunn (PBS NewsHour)
- U.S.-Russia Tensions Jeopardize Effort to Lock Down Loose Nukes / William Tobey (Foreign Policy)
- Obama’s Broken Pledge on Nuclear Weapons / Matthew Bunn (Foreign Policy)
- Obama Still Has Time to Leave a Legacy of Nuclear Security / William Tobey and Matthew Bunn (The World Post)
- Preventing ‘Madmen’ From Getting Their Hands on Nuclear Material: Weekend Roundup / Matthew Bunn (The World Post)
- Washington to host Obama’s final Nuclear Security Summit on Thursday / Matthew Bunn & Gary Samore (Christian Science Monitor)
- Belgium Attacks Loom Over Final Nuclear Security Summit / Matthew Bunn (Defense News)
- Nuclear Security: A vital goal but a distant prospect / Matthew Bunn (The Center for Public Integrity)
- Tonnes of nuke materials vulnerable to theft / Matthew Bunn (The Straits Times)
- Summit to talk security of nuclear power plants / Martin Malin (Boston Herald)
- PM to outline Brussels N-threat / Matthew Bunn (The Telegraph)
- Rise of Isil raises nuclear terrorism threat, Harvard researchers warn / (The Telegraph)
- Nuke terrorism summit’s focus / Matthew Bunn (Democrat Gazette)
- Feature: Nuke terrorism haunts in shadow of Brussels attacks / Matthew Bunn, Hui Zhang (New China)
- Spotlight: China, U.S. work together to strengthen nuclear security / Matthew Bunn, Hui Zhang (New China)
- Spotlight: China’s nuclear security record reinforces its image as responsible player, experts / Matthew Bunn (Xinhuanet)
- China to further expand cooperation on nuclear security with US / Matthew Bunn (China Economic Net)
Articles Citing Preventing Nuclear Terrorism Report
- Trump Wants to Free the Nuclear Genie (TIME)
- U.S. and Russia Must Cooperate to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism (The Moscow Times)
- Nuclear Summit to Focus on Dirty Bomb Scenario Matthew Bunn (Emergency Management)
- Leaders to discuss ‘dirty bomb’ worries at nuclear summit (The Telegraph)
- Nuclear nightmares, from bin Laden to Brussels (Chicago Tribune)
- A Nuclear Facilitator’s Nuclear Summit (Investors Business Daily)
- Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit Neglects 98 Percent of the World’s Bomb-Ready Uranium / (The intercept)
- Global Nuclear Threat Higher Than in 2014 Amid Daesh Increased Capabilities (Sputnik International)
Nuclear Security Matters Blogs (Belfer Center)
- The Nuclear Security Summit: Wins, Losses, and Draws / Matthew Bunn
- The gift of reminding everyone that disarmament still matters / Martin Malin
- The Nuclear Security Summit: Wins, Losses and Draws / Matthew Bunn
- A Step Forward for the International Nuclear Security Regime / Nickolas Roth
- Towards Deeper U.S.-China Nuclear Security Cooperation / Hui Zhang
- NSS 2016 - What’s at Stake? / Graham Allison, Matthew Bunn, Trevor Findlay, Martin B. Malin, Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, Nickolas Roth, Gary Samore, William H. Tobey, Hui Zhang
Chinese media interviews with Hui Zhang
Xinhua News agency (English and Chinese versions)
- April 5, Xinhua News (English), run by China.org.cn “News Analysis: Nuclear Security Summit delivers solid progress, more work ahead,” http://www.china.org.cn/world/Off_the_Wire/2016-04/05/content_38178946.htm
- April 4, Xinhua News (English), xinhuanet, “Spotlight: China-U.S. nuclear security cooperation energizes new type of major-country ties,” http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-04/04/c_135249048.htm
- April 2, Xinhua News (English) , run by New China , “ Experts commend China for contributing to safeguarding nuclear security,” http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-04/02/c_135246364.htm
- March 28, Xinhua News (English), xinhuanet, Interview: China plays vital role in int'l nuclear security cooperation, http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-03/28/c_135229734.htm
- March 25, Xinhua News (English), xinhuanet, “Spotlight: China, U.S. work together to strengthen nuclear security,” http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-03/25/c_135223091.htm
- March 24, Xinhua News (English), xinhuanet “Spotlight: China's nuclear security record reinforces its image as responsible player, experts" http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-03/24/c_135220292.htm
- April5 , Xinhua News (Chinese) 核安全峰会中美合作引人注目 , http://news.china.com.cn/world/2016-04/05/content_38181040.htm
- April 3, Xinhua News (Chinese) 全球专家学者热议习近平主席在华盛顿核安全峰会上重要讲话http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2016-04/03/c_1118521724.htmApril2
- April 4, 共担国际责任 贡献中国作为, Beijing Daily: http://bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2016-04/04/node_2.htm
- April2, Xinhua News (Chinese) 核安全峰会上的中国强音——解读习主席在第四届核安全峰会上的重要讲话, http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2016-04/02/c_1118520563.htm
- March 30, Xinhua News (Chinese), 中国在核安全全球治理领域展现大国担当 http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2016-03/30/c_1118490143.htm
China News Agency
- April 2, China News Agency, “习近平提中国核安全主张 为后峰会时代贡献“中国智慧” http://www.chinanews.com/gn/2016/04-02/7821295.shtml
- March 28, China News Agency, “全球核安保成绩隐忧并存 美专家肯定中国贡献, “ http://www.chinanews.com/gn/2016/03-28/7814702.shtml
People Daily newspaper
- March 30,发挥引领作用,促进核安全对话与合作, http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2016-03/30/nw.D110000renmrb_20160330_2-03.htm
- March 27, March 27, 中国加强核安全成绩斐然, http://world.people.com.cn/n1/2016/0327/c1002-28229013.html
- March 26, 中美核安全合作富有成果 http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2016-03/26/nw.D110000renmrb_20160326_5-03.htm
- April 4, (overseas) 共担国际责任 贡献中国作为, http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrbhwb/html/2016-04/04/content_1666886.htm
- April 4, 中国智慧 大国担当, http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2016-04/04/nw.D110000renmrb_20160404_1-03.htm
China Youth Daily
- March 26, 美国仍未移除制约中美核安全合作的一大政治障碍, http://zqb.cyol.com/html/2016-03/26/nw.D110000zgqnb_20160326_3-04.htm
- April 2, 中美核安全合作对全世界来说都有“重要意义”, http://zqb.cyol.com/html/2016-04/02/nw.D110000zgqnb_20160402_1-04.htm
Other publications
- March 31, China Daily ( English ) , Nuclear talks expected to boost dialogue, http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-03/31/content_24209728.htm
- April 3, Guangming Daily, “中国推动、引领国际核安全合作http://epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/html/2016-04/03/nw.D110000gmrb_20160403_3-04.htm